Welcome to AdminOP.net!
Welcome! AdminOP.net is the official site of AdminOP, Hook Mod, Ent Mod, and Radio Mod.
These are Half-Life server-side modifications to add features to any
Half-Life mod such as Counter-Strike or TFC. You can visit the forums if you would like to discuss one of these topics with others.
Don't forget to join/idle in our IRC channel #sourceop on irc.gamesurge.net.
Ent Mod and Hook Mod Updates
I've updated Ent Mod and Hook Mod to work with the most recent version of the game engine. This should fix crashing in Sven Co-op and other mods. Tested with Metamod-P.
Posted by "Drunken F00l" on Saturday, September 30, 2017 @ 11:33pm Pacific Daylight Time
AdminOP is dead. I think the last update to the plugin was several years ago in 2004 or 2005. However, if you're interested, you can find links to download AdminOP, Hook Mod, Ent Mod, and Radio Mod below.
Posted by "Drunken F00l" on Sunday, October 14, 2012 @ 9:15pm Pacific Daylight Time